Consciousness. Equality. Ecology.
We are a consciousness and emotional intelligence (EQ) institute devoted to self-development, human potential, and the environment. Our spiritual sciences curriculum (fused with unique and interactive art encounters) empowers you to bow to no master, no doctor, no healer, no pill, no politician, nor outside authority figure while on the path to greater happiness, health, and self-reliance.
Nobody can go to the gym to build muscle for you just like nobody can raise your consciousness, but you. This means no outside force can rescue you from repetitive relationship dynamics, habits, addictions, depression, or unwanted outcomes, but you. All ascension is an inside job. But our faculty is here to make that process fluid, rapid, and regenerative.
We are instruments of free agency. Our mission is to liberate humans from enslavement to narrative—meaning we are here to help you drop story. Period. We are neither above you nor below you, but are artists who stand in laterality beside you, wanting us all to paint a better world.

With cutting-edge original curriculum and proprietary technologies, we retrain the brain, the heart, and the body for a fully-integrated recovery—especially since no intelligence is worth anything without EMBODIMENT—which means integration is key.
With great specialty in clearing life events from the limbic system, our transformative technology draws from easy-to-understand neuroscience, epigenetics, fractal geometry, somatics, cymatics, and unified field theory. Our Temple Tech, teachings, and artful ceremonies help you take administrative authority over self— letting you reframe events so that they feed you rather than bleed you.
Every human is an artist.
Every human is a healer.
Every human is a pattern tracker.
Everyone. Equally. And this cutting-edge curriculum helps you clear patterns of M.E.S.S. from your EMF field (Memory, Emotional Energy, and Stuck Story) to evolve your personality and emotionality at a very fast rate.
Our original “direct experience” art encounters, breathwork styles, fractal-film protocol, expeditions, cleanses, coaching, conscious-and-tantric (un)/coupling, conflict mediation, apprenticeships, and core Consciousness Competencies retreat modules build better humans and coherent communities. Our mission is to make each member so self-loving and free-thinking that they donate ionic energy back to every ecosystem they’re in.
Our curriculum encourages you to evolve in community through lateral relationship—where we GNOW (as in gnosis) that we are neither more important nor less important than anyone else—and this allows us to bring our unique gifts, soulwork, and personal mission to the greater environment.
You will always be your own best healer, best friend, best advocate, and best BS detector. Come GridUp with us.