Park City, Utah | September 22-25, 2022


4 Life-Changing Days You Will Never Forget

An elevated BIOHACKING retreat with easy-to-learn Unity-Field Spiritual Sciences for Self-Healing, Greater Breakthroughs, Higher Harmony, and Bigger Dreaming.

Join us for an electrifying fusion of spiritual sciences and shamanic ceremony:
  • Breathwork & Mixed Media Meditation (fractal film experiences + quantum sound healing) – alter your brain waves and go into a deep (drug-free) trance to achieve higher states of consciousness + deep healing.
  • R/Evolutionary Emotional Intelligence Training + Pattern Tracking – biochemically level up your life by understanding the conscious and unconscious patterns that have created your personality. 
  • Muscle Testing with a Master Kinesiologist + Chiropractic Physician – use your heart magnetics and electrical system to “muscle test” and track your truth!
  • Powerful & Transformational “Partnered Pilgrimage” + Process Work at Breathtaking Sacred Sites – bring quantum field magic + mystery + synchronicity into your practice w/ the ancient art of ‘Walking the Way’. A life-altering experience where the land unwinds/unbinds us from our histories to move toward a chosen future. 
  • Immune Boosting Alkalinity Training + Cold Plunging at a High-Alpine Oasis – break patterns, kill pathogens, heal addictions, shift mood, speed up injury/illness recovery and conquer reactivity and stuck emotions.
  • Live Music // Sound Healing // Therapy MoveMed (movement as medicine) – to release stored up memory/energy from your field.
  • Restorative Down Time, Alone Time, Art Time, Private Healing Time, or Epic Hiking Time! + Ionic Joy!


  • $1,444/person (includes accommodation)
  • $888/person (locals rate, does not include accommodation)

Payment plans welcome.



  • Healthy & delicious meals from a US Olympic team chef!
  • Spiritual sciences + Shamanic healing
  • Powerful release, refresh, recharge

Email Megan at workshops@gracelineinstitute.org to inquire and register.