A Spiritual Sciences and Interactive Art Institute Specializing in Emotional Intelligence, Consciousness, Self-Sovereignty and Service to Ecology.

Our curriculum ushers you into artful (substance-free) altered-brain-wave states and heart coherence to shed catabolic emotion, story, and memory from every cell in the body.
Our services are often the “Integration Station” for deep mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual healing work that has already been done (such as talk therapy, illness recovery, plant medicines, etc.) because we are not only rebooting the limbic brain to acknowledge these upgrades, but we are also actually clearing memory from 6 different hard drives (that are not on a shared server) that lock data into the electromagnetic field, causing a “magnetizing” of repeat event, habit, illness, obstacle, or relationship dynamic. This “de-installation” and nervous-system reboot allows for full embodiment of a raised EQ level, leading to radical and immediate changes in emotionality, personality, and reality.
Our greatest success comes from the way we do that—and our ability to use Temple Technology to geometrically restructure these 6 hard drives, which we classify as EMPEGS.
As we shed the need for image crafting, competing, or proving, our identity softens, making joy an intrinsic rather than extrinsic journey. We become less judgmental and more unconditional the moment we can define identity from the inside out; the moment our EQ allows us to be truly impervious to what others think about us.
Our curriculum is a rapid and refined system for transcending limiting views of duality (i.e. victim vs. perpetrator, hero vs. villain, or good vs. bad constructs of inner and outer animosity) in order to have true peace in one’s own identity. But it indeed requires emotional athleticism.
We stabilize emotional maturity by resetting the nervous system from what we call MESS* (Memory, Emotional Energy, and Stuck Story), which is data stored on 6 different hard drives that are not on a shared server (meaning these are autonomic and protective drives that compartmentalize data as “emergency-services systems” that do not communicate nor collaborate with one another.
MESS adds to the software running on the 6 EMPEGS hard drives
(that magnetizes repeating life events)

E Electrical/Energetic
“Polyvagal Theory” reveals that trauma stored in the nervous system and limbic brain makes us brace for impact with “flight, fight, freeze, or appease” responses that act as a habitual and electrical “high alert” system. This turns on AUTOMATICALLY (even against our will) unless it gets upgraded and updated.
M Mental
Personal and collective belief patterns that impact personality and reality as we “frontload” our experiences by passing them through the mental filter of our unhealed history.
P Physical
The waters and tissues of the body hold actual memory—especially the plasmas, cerebral spinal fluid, fat cells, myofascial and scar tissue, and lymph—creating repeat structural holdings, injuries, illnesses, and imbalances.
E Emotional
Catabolic chemicals and unprocessed feelings get trapped as calcified or compartmentalized toxins. The body does not differentiate between an outside chemical toxin (like a heavy metal, paraben, pesticide or food dye) and an inner-made emotional chemical. Whatever is left unprocessed gets stored in the fat cells, myofascial fabric, and lymph until consciously ushered out.
G Genetic
Ancestral code does NOT only provide a predisposition for traits like hair color, eye color, or illness, but creates patterns in the amygdala for protection—meaning that you are inheriting belief patterns and actual MEMORY!
S Spiritual/Soulular
In addition to past-life memory, this drive is impacted by micro tears in the electromagnetic field when trauma or “soul-loss” MESS impacts the ANS + vagus nerve, leading to automatic electrical, dissociative, or limbic responses. We call these E&S hard drives the “Emergency Services” override system because we cannot get free from traumatic response until the “Electrical” and “Soulular” hard drives are rebooted AT THE SAME TIME in order to reset mood and crisis management abilities.

To reset the patterns running through the EMPEGS system, we build entirely service-based, loving, and athletic superhumans by “upgrading, updating, and upgracing” to these skill quotients:
The Graceline highroad 3Cs for replacing the Darwinian low road 3Cs: Competition + Comparison = Conflict
Releasing: The ability to clear any negative emotion or victimization like an athlete. Trading duality for neutrality/unconditionality; trading co-dependency and parent-child dynamics for adulting and leadership. The most foundational freedom comes from resolving all mirroring and shadow dynamics with great efficiency, including autonomic nervous system extremes of flight/fight/freeze/appease and clearing family-of-origin echoes that can trickle into parenting, romantic, and work-related relationships—causing repetitive conflict, fatigue, illness, habit, addiction, or lack of chosen outcome. Power up the mitochondria, glands, and electrical system to create an inner esteem so rock solid that no one has say nor sway over your joy, mission, or identity. This is true emotional intelligence, e m b o d i e d .
Reframing: Learn to befriend the body as a precise and quantum instrument. Reframe any life event into good lesson + medicine. Find hidden tapes and “master programs” (inner software written at a moment of trauma that is meant to help us “master life” but instead “enslaves us” to historical repeat of frequency). Advanced somatic release, vagal reset, kinesiology, belief-pattern tracking, original breathwork and MoveMed practices for EMBODIMENT (and stable states of EQ/BQ harmony).
TQ // TRUTH Quotient
Rebirthing: A death and rebirth of ego and identity—gnowing your inner “why” for all things. Advanced “GOT30” Challenge (Graceline of Truth 30 Day Challenge) to tell the truth for 30 days and start the clock over if you lie. You’re assigned a stranger as an Accountability Partner (AP) to go on a shared pilgrimage that will shake up life. Even more important than learning to tell the truth with consistency and kindness is learning to receive the truth with curiosity and awareness—mastering the art of seeing all “feedback” as “feedforward.” Find out your lying styles and motivations to heal old wounds and resolve unmet needs—taking all aspects of your life to a higher level of union and artistry.
Reclaiming: Reclaim your innate gnostic wisdom, intellect, and intuition by going beyond the teachings of ancient mystery schools on our international expeditions (either Greece or Egypt). The mysteries were often shrouded in exclusivity rather than inclusivity, but it is everyone’s birthright to RE/MEMBER the self as a vital and equal member to the whole of human consciousness. Unlock autonomy by learning to bend dimensional time (4D). Walk traditional Camino in community and go to ancient lands to activate Temple.Code.Keys within the body—unleashing inner gifts, self-reliance, and higher service.
KQ // KINDNESS Quotient
Re/Compassing: There is no greater legacy to leave this planet than an embodied life of alchemical kindness, decency, and civility. With 5D mastery we are now able to abstain from tugging on the unity field as we easily donate ions to every room we’re in. We have an athletic ability to “re/compass” the self back to true north whenever we are knocked off center and are actively embodying our highest artistry by giving back to ecology. We gnow what our Soulwork is and we stay on mission. We can alter brainwave on command and use daily intuitive tools for bending time manifesting higher states of Being the frequency we want to see in our chosen reality.
GQ // GRACE Quotient
Re/Membering: To “re/member” the self is not a recollection or act of regaining memory—it is the act of Gnowing that we are an equal member to the whole. We are one healthy cell in the wider organism of humanity, we are one feather to the same unified bird. When this level of connection and grace is achieved as a standing wave, our soulwork is serving ecology with every breath we take. And we have formally found our Graceline.


This holistic approach to human evolution creates a stronger electrical grid to the unified quantum field—making each of us a more devoted steward of the environment, a more informed member of the electorate—and an all-around better soul to hang with.