Graceline Fractal Films are a living body of work made in-house by our founder, Mickaela Grace. She blends electromagnetic, mathematic, and sonic Temple Technologies to create a “cymatics-into-somatics meditation” experience. When mixed with breathwork, brain-and-heart coherence, sound healing, and integrative movement, these films induce an altered state that lets us deinstall autonomic stances and unwind destructive MESS* (Memory, Emotional Energy, and Stuck Story) from the field.
Fractal films offer a visual, artful, vibrational, and mathematical mapping system for reparation, revelation, self-healing, and reorganization. Our films utilize the metronomic and magnetic algorithms for harmony found innately in the natural world for re-synching the brain and central nervous system. Like taking a glitchy cell phone back to its “factory settings,” our technology unbinds traumatic memory from the electrical, limbic, myofascial, and adipose tissues of the body and then reboots the nervous system back into divine blueprint (so that any disorder is ushered naturally back into higher order).

Where art and science meet.
Our signature Fractal Films and sonic and cymatic Temple Technologies are original works of art cultivated at sacred sites and power points around the globe. The meditations, voice, metered poetic verse, medicine songs, incantations, and fractal images you experience are all created by our founder and Artivist, Mickaela Grace, who is integrating ancient temple anomalies and frequencies into earth art. She sings, films, writes, and edits these modalities from a reverent and all-natural trance state so the art itself holds the frequency possible to also i n d u c e an all-natural trance state in the bioelectric field of the viewer or listener.

What is Fractal Geometry?
A fractal is a never-ending and an infinitely complex pattern that repeats itself across different scales, meaning that no matter how much you zoom in or out, you get the same orderly repeat of shape, sequence, or subset of pattern. Like a microscope scaling smaller (to view a cell) or a telescope scaling larger (to view a galaxy), we see the same shapes, images, mathematics, and waveforms (of both sound and light) occurring at any scale. This property of repeat is called “self-similarity”—as if everything in the natural world has a divine and formulaic self-similar code matching the “source code” of whomever or whatever “source” is to this idea of “me” (a sliver of unified consciousness) that is experiencing a so-called “individual life.”
The term fractal comes from the Latin word “fractus” meaning “a fraction of the whole”. So WE are all a fractal… a part of the divine blueprint repeating itself in a unique pattern on a spiraling loop of death and rebirth.

Our lifelines, timelines, and storylines are fractal.
Fractals are most common in nature, and the human body perfectly mirrors that fractal code, not only in ratio, but in shape and waveform. For example, the branching patterns of trees match the dendritic look of our neural pathways and blood vessels; the earth’s rivers and waterways when viewed from above match the look of our lymphatic pathways. From lightning bolts, ferns, seeds, and the spiral patterns of nautilus seashells, hurricanes, and galaxies—you name it, there is a fractalized unfurling of “the divine blueprint” repeating in every living thing. And temples carry within their very walls, the same creation codes.

Mathematical fractals like the Mandelbrot set get formed by calculating a simple equation on repeat that continues to feed the answer back into its start (or itself)—like an endless torus that continues to feed itself. We can keep zooming in or out and find that the pattern repeats with no end, as if there is always a complete “world within a world within a world”.

Raw consciousness (from source to human incarnation) operates with the same rhythm. We are all just a repeated SOUND, SHAPE, AND SPIN (as a seed from the original tree of source). Fractals are most celebrated in nature, mathematics, and art.
The human visual system is particularly adept at recognizing these patterns as they offer profound insights into the interconnectedness of perception, consciousness, and the universe itself—yet, they also offer deep meaning and insight into upgrading a person’s cognitive function and range of perception when used with I N T E N T.

How can fractals assist in my growth process?
Why all of this nerdy explanation about the mathematics of the natural world? Because the most important quality about fractals and their inherent symmetry and sacred geometry is the profound impact they have on the human psyche, ascensional DNA, and consciousness.
To the human eye, fractals are strangely comforting and seem F A M I L I A R to us, creating a gnostic experience of metronomic resetting of our nervous system. They allow us to activate dormant intelligence, as if nature’s core healing processes (that are a part of your birthright) are coming back O N L I N E and S P E E D I N G U P.

Just like rebooting a faulty cell phone back to its original firmware, a fractal experience of natural, mathematical or alchemical “highly-ordered” merit can take faulty software (or memory) back to our factory settings. This affords us the free agency of unbinding and unwinding ourselves from traumatic event or stuck egoic narrative.

Ancient Gnosticism and Hermeticism describes how all of reality is formed by geometry and fractals. And the Temple Codes in pyramids are the basis for all of fractals—so they operate like supercomputers in their ability to restore fractured or faulty code within us. People believe geometry was created by humans, but it was D I S C O V E R E D. Nature is already awash with miraculous and divine order that G N O W S to regenerate itself.
We share 50 % of our DNA with trees, breathing symbiotically in “infinitied symmetry”. Our exhalation provides for their inhalation, and vice versa. So we are inextricably married in a bound orientation and we grow and evolve together like the twisting ladder of DNA. And equal to that– life on earth would also cease to exist without fungi, seas, and bees. Every third bite of food we eat is gifted to us by pollinators. Fungus, mushrooms, and the mycelium network perform the task of breaking down and recycling all organic matter, like a “self-similar” regeneration tool in the shape of a tree or a torus. This is a circulating engine of life that feeds itself. Not to mention that we are in a consciousness alliance with psilocybin. We’d be lost without these allies. And this is all tied to fractal science.
Trees are our elders and they are shaped like a torus for seasonal regeneration. And fractal ratios reveal that a tree’s roots will always be equal in proportion to its branches. So its helpful to geometrically perceive the universe as a tree, which is why the symbolic “tree of life” is a idiomatic visual image so often used in almost all religious and spiritual traditions. Because within every seed is the design for the entire universe. And the universe holds within it the design for every seed.

Fractals can evoke a feeling of wonder, awe, and almost an immediate altered brain-wave state. There are creation codes hidden within. And they challenge conventional ways of perceiving reality as our body begins to somatically explore the very mysteries of existence and our relative identity.
Said more simply – just like every living thing is heliotropic and wants to bend toward the light, we are also magnetic. And we lean toward harmony, positivity, kinetic happiness, kindness, truth, through frisson (which are the electrical bumps on the body we often call goosebumps) – the body is literally wired to lean toward resonant frequency wherever we can find it, gnowing innately how to rebuild and repair when we are near it.

What is a Graceline Fractal Film?
And why does it amplify nervous system regulation and higher emotional intelligence?
A fraction or fractal code breaks away from the whole (blooming into a unique pinecone, honeybee, or human “me”) and does not seem to follow the usual straight-line shapes of platonic solids, yet at different scales, you will find a repeating shape, sequence, life cycle, or system of divine order. On an even larger repeating calendar cycle, like the vedic yugas, we even see both “renaissance” and “collapse” of entire civilizations also on mathematical repetition.

We see repeating fractal code in physics, chemistry, fluid mechanics and even the stock market. Systems not only tend to adhere to specific, short-term momentum tunnels based on velocity and direction (until interrupted), but they also tend to operate on wider long-term cycles and seasons of repetition. So fractals can teach us to I N T E R R U P T automated patterns of habit and repeat for a total awakening of choice, creation, and F R E E A G E N C Y.

Our original FRACTAL FILMS alter the brainwave and dilate time, acting as a REGENERATIVE ALTERED STATE TECHNOLOGY for self-similarity, allowing us to ditch any catabolic memory for an original blueprint or an update to “the story” or the software we’re running.

When a large group of participants hits a state of coherence using these fractal films, we can achieve murmuration (moving as one larger organism of a unified consciousness, like a school of fish or a flock of birds) to raise each other up like a high-rising tide. This allows for bigger healing and a bigger “hard-system reset”—while it also acts as a rapid “integration station,” helping our bodies catch up to the healing work we’ve already done, especially since we sometimes struggle to apply new teachings to moments of crisis if those new teachings haven’t yet reached a stable radio station of E M B O D I M E N T.

U P D A T E . U P G R A D E . U P G R A C E .
Again, our core competencies and technologies allow for completion of old cycles because of pattern interruption followed by rebooting the system. Many of us work very hard at talk therapy, spiritual awareness, or self-development, but we can’t recruit those new teachings at a moment of crisis if we haven’t gone through the process to shift installations into the cortex from the limbic, while also deinstalling contrary beliefs, memories, or narratives. Deinstallations and installations have to be helixed together through the wisdom of E M B O D I M E N T.

As our specific 6-style breathwork series ushers us into the desired meditative entrainment state, the fractal films work to enhance the effect by visually stimulating the mind into reduced states of stress and enhanced awareness. We hemi-sync the brain, reset the vagus nerve, raise the kundalini energy, and spin the corpus collosum—all to reboot the torus from within. Like returning the self back to factory settings, this is a hard system reboot FROM WITHIN—back to divine O R I G I N . From this place we can S E E and S E E D a new reality, reshape our identity, and create a new way of being.

What is Graceline Temple Technology?
Our signature Fractal Films and sonic and cymatic Temple Technologies are original works of art cultivated at sacred sites and power points around the globe.
Just like the Schumann Resonance was discovered and used for upliftment—which is a series of electromagnetic frequencies that occur between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere (also known as “the Earth’s heartbeat”), the human body receives metronomic benefit and attunement from temples. We can experience the sensation of a software R E S E T when we lean into what Mickaela calls “the sound, shape, and spin” of these anomalies discovered at “nodal points” of the Earth’s sacred geometry (i.e. temples).

Our founder and Artivist, Mickaela Grace started her career as an ecological filmmaker and transitioned into performance poetry and making fractal films as a faster way to catalyze earth stewardship. After 30+ years in the healing arts, she realized early on that in order to get humans to care about the earth, she had to first get them out of their own pain and suffering. This creates the EQ and KQ bandwidth for higher service to one another and a balanced ecology.

The meditations, voice, metered poetic verse, medicine songs, incantations, and fractal images you experience are all created by Mickaela, whose soulwork is to devotionally integrate ancient temple anomalies and frequencies into earth art. She sings, films, writes, and edits these modalities from a reverent and all-natural trance state so the art itself holds the frequency possible to also i n d u c e an all-natural trance state. This is what creates such rapid EQ change in the bioelectric field of the viewer or listener.

How is Graceline Temple Technology made?
The making of this work is sacred to our team and involves proprietary processes. But here is a generalized overview of our mission and soulwork:
Mickaela either walks Camino in silence for hundreds of miles at a time OR takes her TempleTechTeam to nodal-point-sites on astrological alignments to record temple transmissions and anomalies such as shifts in electromagnetics, plasma fluids, animal engagement, sound, light, and dimension.
We gather data from LIVING elements at those sites (who hold the frequency of the advanced geometry and harmony of the site). Whether its pi/phi/golden mean/fibonacci/schumann resonance, or toroidal 19.7-degree water alterations, we are using the divine order found at a place during an amplification moment to create technologies that induce an altered state—so that we can BRING THE TEMPLES TO THE PEOPLE and use our birthright to reinstall original blueprint.
Graceline films are NOT MADE using a fractal computer-code on repeat. Mickaela Grace makes them USING the living toroidal field of temples, sacred sites, and altered-state interactions with living beings (plants, animals, waterways, crystalline megaliths, etc.) on days of astrological alignments when there are electromagnetic and timespace anomalies registering. This is how she captures the ALREADY-PERFECT FRACTAL ORIGIN CODE that lies within the framework of the earth’s nodes.

These films are shot in live action where the fractal code of the earth and larger star systems has remained intact, orderly, and divine. On days of higher alignment and with skills to “open time,” these temples reveal even higher capacity for engagement. Adding complex geometric splits and “stable spin” to these images allows us to reset the human grid using the natural order of these sacred animals, elements, or temples—thus we are activating a temple technology for healing that, by (universal) law, belongs to us all.

Please apply EQ and TQ Integrity to
With great reverence and body endurance, these technologies are filmed by a team of earthkeepers who orient their whole lives around serving you better. So please respect these Artivists by respecting their boundaries around this work. It takes a frequency embodiment to make it– and an even stronger endurance of frequency to disseminate it and teach it.

We humbly ask that you not use, forward, nor reproduce any of this artwork, content, or curriculum as a show of respect for our Graceline ARTIVISTS and the devotional practice it takes to bring it forth. Proceeds from our live events at theaters, galleries, expeditions, and retreats around the globe generate the income necessary for supporting our team’s ecological efforts on the planet. Some of this work comes from walking 500+ miles of silent pilgrimage or long treks of frequency endurance, which asks a lot of our bodies and our daily practice. And the work is meant to be experienced LIVE for the gain of karpay (and direct transmission of frequency and gnostic wisdom).
If this work is being disseminated by someone who is NOT listed on our faculty page, please support our community by letting us know at 774.333.3669.
You respecting these usage rights keeps pollinators, plankton, and primary forests supported as a stabilization of the Earth’s prana. We thank you ahead of time for your service to these ecological efforts. And WE LOVE YOU. So please love us back.

Specifically, we are working on a 3-year sound-reparation research project in Polynesia with Humpback whales. Respecting our work directly links to helping these migratory mothers.
(see Mickaela and her TempleTechTeam below).