The Graceline Original System for

Consciousness and EQ as an act of de-enslavement is our only mission.
E Electrical/Energetic
“Polyvagal Theory” reveals that trauma stored in the nervous system and limbic brain makes us brace for impact with “flight, fight, freeze, or appease” responses that act as a habitual and electrical “high alert” system. This turns on AUTOMATICALLY (even against our will) unless it gets upgraded and updated.
M Mental
Personal and collective belief patterns that impact personality and reality as we “frontload” our experiences by passing them through the mental filter of our unhealed history.
P Physical
The waters and tissues of the body hold actual memory—especially the plasmas, cerebral spinal fluid, fat cells, myofascial and scar tissue, and lymph—creating repeat structural holdings, injuries, illnesses, and imbalances.
E Emotional
Catabolic chemicals and unprocessed feelings get trapped as calcified or compartmentalized toxins. The body does not differentiate between an outside chemical toxin (like a heavy metal, paraben, pesticide or food dye) and an inner-made emotional chemical. Whatever is left unprocessed gets stored in the fat cells, myofascial fabric, and lymph until consciously ushered out.
G Genetic
Ancestral code does NOT only provide a predisposition for traits like hair color, eye color, or illness, but creates patterns in the amygdala for protection—meaning that you are inheriting belief patterns and actual MEMORY!
S Spiritual/Soulular
In addition to past-life memory, this drive is impacted by micro tears in the electromagnetic field when trauma or “soul-loss” MESS impacts the ANS + vagus nerve, leading to automatic electrical, dissociative, or limbic responses. We call these E&S hard drives the “Emergency Services” override system because we cannot get free from traumatic response until the “Electrical” and “Soulular” hard drives are rebooted AT THE SAME TIME in order to reset mood and crisis management abilities.
Essentially, when we have any form of MESS stored on these EMPEGS hard drives, our system makes us “brace for impact”. And our founder, Mickaela would say “when we brace, we race”—meaning that when the “flight/fight/freeze/appease” impulse kicks in, so does our magnetic memory, making us accidentally race to the exact outcome we least want (based on the spacetime tug of our protection patterns). And then we magnetize a mirrored event repeating again and again. Our curriculum is very thorough, and clears memory on all levels of the field, allowing a true r/evolution to emotionality, personality, and our manifested reality. Retreat Curriculum