MODULE 1: Emotional Intelligence (EQ)
RELEASING: Learn To Release MESS (Memory, Emotional Energy, Stuck Story) from the EMF Field Around the Human Body To Become Truly Self-Reliant.

MODULE 2: Body Intelligence (BQ)
REFRAMING: Learn to “Find and Refine the Good Lesson and Good Medicine” in any Conflict or Life Event, Using the Body as a Divine Instrument.

MODULE 3: Truth Quotient (TQ)
REBIRTHING: Enter the doorway willingly, between the death and rebirth of ego and identity—in order to truly GNOW thyself more fully, in union and communion with ALL.THAT.IS.

MODULE 4: Intelligence Quotient (IQ)
RECLAIMING: Reclaim your innate gnostic wisdom, intellect, and intuition by going beyond the ancient mystery schools with our life-changing expeditions (to either Greece or Egypt) for “direct connection”.

MODULE 5: Kindness Quotient (KQ)
RE/COMPASSING = Creating Identity Intrinsically while Finding our True “Inner North” and Highest Artistry often results in an Inherent Kindness to Ecology (as we give back to the planet with our unique gifts).

MODULE 6: Grace Quotient (GQ)
RE/MEMBERING: As a feather in the one unified bird, as one cell in the greater shared body of our collective humanity, I find my Soulwork as service to ecology.