Just like a child, a project, organization, or company is a LIVING holographic entity. And it emanates a collective EQ level (harmony) and toroidal shape (geometry), where each member is contributing to the overall average in consciousness and measurable home base emotion. Our original and highly-targeted curriculum brings teams into one coherent frequency by clearing out individual repetitive narratives, catabolic habits, histories and memories—which in turn uplevels the team’s average homebase “stance” (the homeostatic origin-point emotion from which we enter into every single conversation).
Each person’s individual EQ/BQ/TQ/IQ/KQ/GQ level and homebase mood or stress management style is always folding into the living torus of the team’s collective efficacy. Said more plainly, teams are a house of mirrors for projecting old family dynamics upon one another; so personalities and prior experiences can lead to either chronic impediment or a special sauce of complimentary talents. Specifically, we remove the FOLDS (Family of Origin Limbic Dynamics and Stances) from the FLOW state of your team dynamics (FLOW = Forward Leveraging of Organizational Wisdom)—meaning the progressive forward-movement created when we turn hurdles and old wounds into combined years of experience, wisdom, and resiliency.)

Happy employees with deeper meaning and well-being in their personal lives bring higher levels of consciousness, ingenuity, and vitality to their work performance and to your culture’s shared value-sets.
Over 23% of the over-age-25 workforce in this country (and 36% under age 25) is reported to be shackled by mental illness* (depression, anxiety, or addiction)—and that’s only counting those who self-report or seek help. So chances are very high that your organization’s productivity is being stalled by emotion or stuck event, impacting ROI, results, progress, and the stable collective consciousness required for creativity and high impact. Known for our mathematical and rapid approach to de-escalation of conflict and mirrored pattern-tracking, we create lasting upleveling of relational dynamics and straight-up happiness. * National Institute for Mental Health (NIMH), 2024.
We are not just teaching you to navigate stress, but to transform it into innovative power. With all original curriculum and our targeted temple technologies, we specialize in fostering advanced creativity, dimensional (and win-win) problem solving, innovation, and radical (easy) collaboration.

We offer:
- Personalized Coaching Packages: A deep dive into your leadership style, addressing key challenges such as stress, emotional regulation, and interpersonal dynamics. We clean up the emotionality and personality of executives at the top so that greater flow states can trickle down. We investigate the “magnet mechanics” of all systems.
- Team Workshops: Group sessions designed to enhance communication, improve collaboration, and build resilience within your team, including better physical immunity, emotional reactivity, and mental processing.
- Somatic Practices: Tools and techniques to integrate body awareness into leadership, allowing you to lead from a place of true presence and (measurable) inspirational frequency.
- Neuroscience-Driven Techniques: Learn practical strategies to rewire stress responses and improve cognitive function under pressure.
- EQ Development: Comprehensive training to boost emotional intelligence, allowing you to navigate complex interpersonal situations with empathy and clarity—which ,
- Interdimensional Ideation: We help creative teams athletically build intuition and dimensional skill for r/evolutionary thinking. We apply ancient technologies to modern problem-solving. OR our team does the creative inventing/seeing on behalf of the executive inquiring.
NOTE: Our time is very limited, so our faculty chooses only to work with organizations who are contributing to equanimity, balanced ecology, regenerative thinking, and higher humanity.