MODULE 1: (EQ) Emotional Intelligence Quotient
Learn To Release MESS (Memory/Emotional Energy/Stuck Story) from the EMF Field Around the Human Body To Become Truly Self-Reliant.
This is a r/evolutionary emotional intelligence (EQ) course to lay down the fundamentals that allow you to “bioharmonize” (rather than “biohack”) the body in ways that immediately clear trauma, events, and catabolic (destructive) emotion or belief patterns stuck in the tissues of the body and the EMF field. This includes techniques for interrupting reactionary patterns and habits.
Learn how to:
- Reset the vagus nerve from extremism and flight/fight/freeze/appease responses that cause inner and outer conflict and repetition.
- Clear family-of-origin and parent-child dynamics that can trickle into all other parenting, romantic, and work-related relationships—causing repetitive conflict, fatigue, illness, habit, addiction, or lack of chosen outcome.
- Learn non-verbal, memory/trauma release techniques that go beyond talk therapy to finally and fully be done with your own catabolic stories and memories.
- Stabilize organ and power systems in the body as you become your own best friend, advocate, healer, and BS detector. Power up the mitochondria with “temple tech” breathwork systems.
- Create an inner sense of adulting that is so rock solid that no person, place, or thing can knock you off center from your inner gnosis and identity.
This modules includes:
- Spiritual sciences lectures that give you actual tools for easy-to-apply neuroscience, epigenetics, unified field theory, sacred geometry (and Flower of Life technologies), pattern-tracking, and ancient spiritual wisdom spanning 34 traditions.
- 6 styles of original breathwork, fractal films, sound healing, and somatic release techniques that induce altered states for deep lasting healing.
- Group healing work called “PEALS” that use the momentum of the whole room to peel away stuck patterns, memories, habits, and history. And applied kinesiology for pattern-tracking.
- Partnered Pilgrimage and the ancient tradition of “walking sacred Camino” as a style of deinstalling history and using the magical healing power of synchronicity.
True Sovereignty Requires Full Responsibility.
Mickaela Grace

MODULE 2: (BQ) Body Intelligence Quotient
Reframe Events to Find the “Good Lesson And Good Medicine” from Any Stressful Moment.
Now that we’ve stabilized the E+S (Emergency Services) hard drives of the 6 EMPEGS system (Electrically, the vagus nerve is reset and Spiritually the holes to the EMF are sealed with soul retrieval), let’s level you up by focusing on how the body is your own best intuitive instrument and innate tool for self-reliant SOMATIC RELEASE WORK! The body is a truth detector, a tuning fork, and a super computer ! So learn systems of MoveMed (Movement as Medicine) and Body Intelligence to track the body every day and stay on the re/evolutionary edge of consciousness gains.
In this module, learn to “pattern track” via electric and energetic sensations, kinesiology, breathwork, postural/somatic patterns, nervous system dysregulation habits, repetitive aches/pains/physical ailments–and most importantly, all the emotional and mental patterns that magnetize unchosen outcomes (based on unified field theory and spacetime loops or software running on repeat).
Unbind from all Events Using the Body as Good Instrument
This module includes an extension of your EQ fundamentals as well as tools to:
- Increase your “BQ” (Body Intelligence Quotient) with pattern-tracking skills using self-analysis, shadow movements, and muscle-memory activation.
- Use DIY Kinesiology (muscle testing) for inner investigation, pattern-tracking, emotional clearing, “belief upgrading”, clarity, and better decision making.
- Become a master “pattern tracker” by understanding geometric complexities created by memory, events, genetics, beliefs, miasms, and static emotion. Here you will learn about either/or extremism, finite thinking, frontloading spacetime with expectations, the dangers of anxiety and depression, contrary beliefs, genetic inheritance, faulty self-esteem, relationship dynamics that are magnetically on repeat—and even cultural adoption of contrary programming.
- Track your core operating software! – including your unique “master-program” loops that are complex coping mechanisms causing unwanted outcomes. When we make decisions (and new neural pathways) at a peak reactionary moment, these choices are meant to help us survive a trauma and “master life”—but because they’re programming code made at a moment of trauma, they are born of the same EQ frequency and wattage of the wounded state itself—so instead of helping us master life, the pattern masters us—and we become enslaved to the repetition of similar events, outcomes or relationship dynamics. This is “magnet mechanics”! Come learn to interrupt it with EQ/BQ awareness!
- Learn MoveMed (Movement as Medicine) techniques to increase pattern-clearing skills.
- Learn to focus/track/clear the legacy debris on the Mental, Emotional, and Genetic hard drives to be truly free from destructive narrative. Learn how to “drop story”. Period.
Higher harmony begets stronger geometry. Stronger geometry begets higher harmony.
Mickaela Grace

MODULE 3: (TQ) Truth Intelligence Quotient
Enter the doorway willingly, between the death and rebirth of ego and identity—in order to truly GNOW thyself more fully, in union and communion with ALL.THAT.IS.
Truth is not finite, concrete, destination-based, nor static—it is alive and holographic. Learn how to devote yourself to truth-seeking itself rather than the act of strong stance, dualistic opposition, enemization, fixed thinking, or concrete “certainty”. When we lie, it is revealing a hidden need, wound, or agenda– so investigating the inner motivation behind our lies is the fastest way to clear old events and dynamics from our ecosystem.
GOT30 Truth Project | An Umbilicus to New Narrative
When Mickaela designed this experiential module for corporate coaching, she thought the big hurdle would be teaching CEOs to take responsibility by “telling the truth” more often—but what was astonishing to realize (and write new curriculum around), is the fact that 80% of their truth journey was about teaching them to RECEIVE the truth. The bigger dilemma was training them to see “all feedback as feedforward”. Truth analysis also gave participants an insight into what life events still needed some focus or healing attention. And what behaviors needed overhauling or more awareness. Graceline Faculty has found that THIS IS THE MODULE that changes personalities the most. We are forever upleveled by this rapid-fire inner transformation.
Additionally, she had to teach them to embrace the Gnostic and Taoist principles of flexibility over certainty and change over rigidity—because nature, water, and the Tao teaches us this:
that which is brittle, breaks.
that which is fluid, bends—
and thereby, evolves.
This module provides the EQ, BQ, and TQ fundamentals that will prepare you for your life-changing GOT30 (Graceline Of Truth) 30-Day Challenge. In this challenge, you must tell the truth for 30 days and if you lie, you start the 30 days over until reaching harmonic completion.
This Camino is bound by confidentiality. You will be assigned an Accountability Partner (AP) from a different town/culture/walk of life to complete your coursework with. And you will report to your AP daily to be on a deep and enriching journey with one another.
This retreat includes:
- Learning more advanced applications of your EQ and BQ skills to prepare you for your rigorous GOT30 TQ-partner journey.
- Specialized ceremonial practices to rid the body of inauthenticity, secrets, lies, image-crafting, group-mind, procrastination, conflict aversion, stuck stories and generational memory.
- A profoundly powerful rebirthing ceremony on sacred indigenous land that includes the death of the old and the embodiment of the (chosen) new, including a healing technique to restore the “umbilical intuition” for accessing a sea of ancient wisdom.
NOTE: Module 3 takes place in Park City, Utah for the specific reason of using the land itself as a healing modality. We will go on our first “rebirthing” solo CAMINO on ancient indigenous lands sacred to the Navajo/Hopi/Ute/Goshute/Paiute.
“No one has say nor sway over your identity. Grid up.” – Mickaela Grace
Truth First. Kindness Always.
Mickaela Grace

MODULE 4: (IQ) Intelligence Quotient
Going beyond the mystery schools to reclaim our innate gnostic wisdom, modern intellect, and intuition.
For those on the full journey of our “Flower of Life” 6-petaled Consciousness Competency Coursework, this is Module 4 (IQ), to increase both intellect and intuition through ancient gnostic wisdom. The goal here is to not only ‘GNOW THYSELF” through direct experience, but to go BEYOND the mystery schools, (which were shrouded in exclusivity rather than inclusivity) to RE/MEMBER yourself as a vital and equal member to the whole of human consciousness. This is about the activation of inner gifts that are rooted in equality, self-reliance, and direct connection to Temple.Code.Keys for miraculous manifestation and higher service.
EGYPT: “Becoming Your Own Living Temple” TOUR
GREECE: “Re/Membering Your Own Inner Oracle” TOUR
Module 4 is a study of the 4th dimension (4D) where we master “time dilation” as we turn our bodies into holographic temples and our consciousness into a trusted “inner oracle”. Rather than remaining bound or enslaved to the past, this module unlocks autonomy– so that we can finally take administrative authority over ourselves and the 3D journey (to manifest a life of meaning and greater dreams for all of humanity).
The temples, including the ancient oracles, are still alive and bioavailable. And they belong to everyone, equally.
Come learn how to:
- Better align to your own insight, and how to apply this wisdom to helping humanity with your own core personal mission—and an unyielding alchemical intelligence.
- Uplevel your IQ (Intelligence Quotient) by accessing your birthright to insight! In both Egypt and Greece we will receive activations at timeless temples for biological upgrades, self-healing, and future manifesting.
- Power up with ancient technology, dimensional trajectories, and pilgrimage with a conscious community as we dive into the Eleusinian and Egyptian mysteries and modernize the wisdom of Hermetic principles, Gnosticism, alchemy, and dimensional medicine.
- Stabilize your gifts, discernment, decision-making, and zone of genius.
- Transcend all forms of self-limitation, hierarchy and enslavement to come into a fully-potentiated mission.
Our goal is to leave this expedition with absolute inner trust and self-reliance– as we each come into our own higher sense of power and purpose.
“A part in the whole and the whole in every part.” (a re-finding and refining of Hermetic Codes)
Do not look up, look forward. The sage is not above, but at your feet.
Mickaela Grace

MODULE 5: (KQ) Kindness Quotient
EXPAND PERSONAL PURPOSE + CONSCIOUSNESS with a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to increase EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE, CREATIVITY, SERVICE, AND INTUITION in the mystical pockets of powerful France.
Join the founder of the Graceline Institute, Mickaela Grace and world-renowned writer, polymath, and monument specialist, Howard Crowhurst for special access to sacred sites and advanced teachings on ancient mysticism, megalithic technologies, dimensional trajectories, sacred geometry, ancient alchemy, self-healing, and modernizing the wisdom of old Hermetic, Gnostic, Cathar, Magdalena, and Knights Templar Traditions.
Not only will you enjoy the stunning beauty of this timeless landscape, but you will receive the most cutting-edge scientific, spiritual, and historical analysis of France, (including expeditions to Chartes, the Carnac standing stones, Druid dolmans, and the temple mound on Gavr’Inis Island) as we tap into the potency of Gaia’s “super computers”. Learn how to better align to your own insight and your life’s higher mission—helixed to an unyielding alchemical kindness.
There is no greater legacy to leave this planet than a devotional contribution of kindness, decency, and civility. And just like a GPS system requires 3 data points to triangulate a position for navigating forward movement, from and EQ and KQ perspective, our own inner compass also requires 3 points of reference: gnosis on where we’ve been, where we are going, and what we are for . Now that we’ve mastered inner identity and emotionality with stable EQ/BQ/TQ and have learned ageless IQ wisdom from historical sites and sources, it is time to apply those intelligences to aligning to the true north of our greater mission. The only burning question now worth asking: How may I serve?
For anyone who is on the full journey to completing the Graceline “Flower of Life” 6-petaled Consciousness Competency Coursework, this is Module 5 (KQ) out of 6 —a Kindness Quotient that directly links to your Soulwork—which is your central purpose to the planet… a life’s mission that ONLY YOU CAN COMPLETE. This Module is designed to unlock your greatest gifts. And according to the Harvard Happiness Study, the only way to achieve “ecstasis” (a state of unbridled joy and ecstasy) is to be in alignment with one’s “true purpose” (which can make us feel linked to the divine or something “bigger than us”).
So every moment of this adventure is devoted to one pregnant question:
We will also explore the esoteric need for defiance (and thinking for oneself) as a prerequisite for higher collaboration and kindness toward community and humanity. This is the module where we truly get comfortable in our own skin (like the Cathars and Templars), letting us step away from outside authority and hierarchy to be our own True North.
These mystics lived in an epoch where they defied corruption, were known for their ethics and kindness—and specifically, the Cathar Perfecti believed in gender equality, reincarnation, and non-violence, acting as r/evolutionary thought leaders that served planetary ecology and harmony. With greater trust, we agree to “bow to no master” and instead, trust in our own inner compass and chosen artistry.
As we uplevel your KQ (Kindness Quotient) we will also help you to refine your own ZONE OF GENIUS. The tight-knit community invited to this module will offer you collective insight into FINDING YOUR SOULWORK and solidifying your mission.
There is VERY LIMITED SPACE and spots are offered on a first-come-first-serve basis.
Come learn how to:
- Make your own divination art and spiritual tools to amplify synchronicity, connection, and future revelations (to foretell our oncoming year), using your own relationship to “time-bending” as a futurizing compass. This lets us tap into fractal geometry, divine order, healing gifts, prediction, intuition, and alteration of timelines (by choice) for higher manifestation. (*No previous art skills are required).
- Receive intuitive readings, time, and attention from the whole group focused on your dreams—each of us healing each other as we “compass ourselves” to our truest north for greater ideation, creation, and direction for higher purpose.
- This module amplifies the frequency and geometry of the body’s Merkabah field so that we are not just using Graceline fractal films and altered states to heal the self, but we can “code change” the field from awakened states. We will learn many all-natural ways to induce these altered states—including using divination art* and daily practices as portals. (*No previous art skills are required).
- Amp up your ability to “read and lead” a room, create miraculous manifestation, and step into a fully-empowered, higher form of service. Leadership begins with EQ and GRID embodiment You are as gifted as everyone else! Come find out how!….
- Get direct downloads from some of the most sacred sites and love-based “power spots” or historical healing landmarks for gnostic r/evolution, and “super-computer” structures on the planet.
- Mod 5 in France: Paris! Chartes Cathedral, Druid dolmans, sacred rivers, the Carnac standing stones, the negative ions of the passage tomb on the island of Gavr’Inis! (And Toulouse, the Castles of Carcassonne and Montségur, Lourdes, and the Pyrenees if joining the add-on Cathar/Templar Expedition).
- Mod 5 in Peru: Cusco and the sacred valley, Machu Picchu, Ollantaytambo, Sullistani, Lake Titicaca, the Portal of Arama Meru, Tiwanaku and Puma Punku (Bolivian side of lake)
Come learn how to “code” your dreams—and ignite your core personal mission with an unyielding alchemical kindness.
FRANCE: “Re/Compassing the Self as an Artful Instrument” TOUR
PERU / BOLIVIA: “Re/Compassing to the Mission of Ayni + Munay” TOUR
Similar to the mystical gnostic forces available for consciousness upgrades on the old Spanish roads (El Camino de Santiago de Compostela)—the old Cathar Caminos of the Languedoc hold the bioavailability for leveling up, in both defiance and self-reliance, so that we can defy systems of control and think for ourselves. This is not a stance of duality against authority, it is EMBODYING the old ways of resonance and enlightenment for being comfortable enough in one’s own skin to stand firmly in self-gnosis and earned liberation.
Though Christian, the Cathars believed in reincarnation, kindness to animals (vegetarianism), and equality between men and women. Similarly, the old Knights Templar, Black Madonna, Mother Mary, and Mary Magdalene traditions of France (as well as St. Francis and Clare’s devotion to animals and equity) bestowed upon many eras a devotion to kindness and service.
Similarly, the yin and matrilineal paths around the world that compass cultures to LOVE (especially in Peru/Bolivia where the central focus is devotion to plant medicine devas and “Pacha Mama”), we take our KQ coursework to where sacred sites offer the most upleveling for acts of artistry, thought leadership, unconditional love, radical acceptance, and higher service.
THIS 9-DAY TOUR is a bit more restful than other expeditions because we are focusing on being kind to one another, making art and divination tools for daily practice, exchanging intuitive readings and healing work, and brainstorming/exploring everyone’s superhero gifts and core mission.
Join us for the most joyful way to experience our core Module 4-5 curriculum—including deep coursework, meditations, fractal-film transmissions, self-healing, and profound community activation.
*Note: You must complete Modules 1-2 before attending.
I would like to have achieved, upon reflection of my life, a scintillating pool of decency–where I hopefully offered gnostic civility as a regenerative and daily contribution to higher humanity and a harmonic ecology.
Mickaela Grace

MODULE 6: (GQ) Grace Quotient
As a feather in the one unified bird, as one cell in the greater shared body of our collective humanity, I find my Soulwork as service to ecology.
Our faculty reviews applications and chooses only 12 cohort participants per year to receive specialized dimensional activations and faculty apprenticeship. Space is limited. And is reserved for change-makers, thought leaders, and stewards of ecological harmony or advancement in the consciousness of our species.
Cohorts are not advertised on the events page and applications must be completed here:
“To re/member self is not an act of memory– but to re-member self as an EQUAL member to the whole.” – Mickaela Grace
“I am a friend to the frontier; I volunteer. There was never a ‘them,’ but an ‘always only us’. We are the ones. We decided, and so, we became.” – Mickaela Grace
“To re/member self is not an act of memory–
but to re-member self as an EQUAL member to the whole.
I am a friend to the frontier; I volunteer.
There was never a a ‘them,’ but an ‘always only us’.
We are the ones. We decided, and so, we became.
Mickaela Grace
Refund policy for all:
Full refunds available if canceled 60 days before the event start date. Refunds available in the form of a credit toward a future Graceline event if canceled 30 days before the event and all fees are non-refundable if canceling less than 30 days before the event start day (though a credit can be applied for if canceling for medical emergencies).