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MODULE 4: Intelligence Quotient (IQ) // Egypt

December 13 - December 22

RECLAIMING: Going beyond the mystery schools to reclaim our innate gnostic wisdom, modern intellect, and intuition.

For those on the full journey of our “Flower of Life” 6-petaled Consciousness Competency Coursework, this is Module 4 (IQ), to increase both intellect and intuition through ancient gnostic wisdom. The goal here is to not only ‘GNOW THYSELF” through direct experience, but to go BEYOND the mystery schools, (which were shrouded in exclusivity rather than inclusivity) to RE/MEMBER yourself as a vital and equal member to the whole of human consciousness. This is about the activation of inner gifts that are rooted in equality, self-reliance, and direct connection to Temple.Code.Keys for miraculous manifestation and higher service.

Price: $x

Full Course Overview



December 13
December 22
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