MODULE 1: Emotional Intelligence (EQ) // Los Angeles

Hilton @ Marina Del Ray 4200 Admiralty Way, Marina Del Ray, CA, United States

RELEASING: Learn To Release MESS (Memory, Emotional Energy, Stuck Story) from the EMF Field Around the Human Body To Become Truly Self-Reliant. This is a r/evolutionary EQ course teaching you […]

MODULE 1+2 Fusion: EQ + BQ // Los Angeles

First we biochemically and emotionally RELEASE our past, then we REFRAME events for higher wisdom and personal r/evolution. There is no better way to embody and integrate these new tools […]

MODULE 4: Intelligence Quotient (IQ) // Egypt

RECLAIMING: Going beyond the mystery schools to reclaim our innate gnostic wisdom, modern intellect, and intuition. For those on the full journey of our “Flower of Life” 6-petaled Consciousness Competency […]